Bioprogramming Technology
As a true Bioprogramming enthusiast, I created a space
where I could answer some of the most frequently asked questions that I receive.
You’ll also find some of my very favorite Bioprogramming tips & tricks all-in-one space.
This section is ideal for the person who wants to learn more about Bioprogramming and why I love it as much as I do!
You'll find simplified graphics, along with videos, and text to truly help understand everything I love most.
I want to share more about myself so you can interpret the start of my experience.
After my hair went through it's absolute lowest point in my life in 2020, I came back with vengeance (in a best way possible)!
I now have the healthiest hair, I have ever known, and it's only going to continue to improve through the use of Bioprogramming devices and products. These aren't your average 'styling tools'. These are not what comes to mind when you think of traditional heat styling .... These are treatment devices that have been created to treat the hair and improve it,
as you heat style. All Bioprogramming products and devices contain the same exact technology and the more you use it,
the more intense your results will be!
What is BIOPROGRAMMING Technology?
Bioprogramming is a proprietary technology based in quantum physics and rooted in nature. 'BIO' in 'Bioprogramming' means life. 'Programming' refers to information that is exchanged with the body. Bioprogramming isn’t
an ingredient. It truly is how the energy of the product or device has been programmed at the most fundamental level of all natural phenomenon
that exists in life.
While this technology is very complex, what it does is simple. It uses excess moisture in your body and brings it to the surface. Using this technology on your hair, you'll notice more moisture, more shine, less friction/breakage and less frizz.
I personally like to demonstrate this to my clients by blowing cool air from the REPRONIZER onto their fingers while letting them glide. As the cool air blows onto their skin, they notice an immediate reduction of friction. They say It almost feels like their fingerprint is smooth. It feels slick, like lotion or oil is on their skin and there is no resistance.
The REPRONIZER isn't putting anything on the skin, it's drawing excess moisture to the surface. This is true for whatever you apply the airflow to. For example, I use the cool air from the REPRONIZER daily on my face, neck, hands, scalp, hair and anywhere else that lacks moisture. When demonstrating this on someone’s hair, you’ll notice more shine and the color will look even more vibrant.
You can see a demonstration of this HERE.
This video truly captures the power of the REPRONIZER, on film. It shows the device on one side of a half-inch sheet of glass blowing alternating hot and cold air in the direction the hair for 3 hours while no wind or airflow make
direct contact to the hair itself.
See what you think about the changes that take place!
You can also experience this same feeling by simply touching a HAIRBEAURON when it's OFF AND COLD to the touch (otherwise you'll burn your skin).
By touching the device you'll notice your finger print becomes less noticeable for the very same reason: moisture being drawn to the surface.
Why doesn't anyone just say how it works?
Talking about the technology isn't easy because it's not logical and it doesn't
'make sense'. However that doesn’t mean it’s not real.
It implies there are limitless possibilities and the previously 'impossible' is now possible when referring to being able to heat style your hair every day and never fear heat damage again. However, It's not only 'non damaging', you'll actually
improve the condition of your hair with each use.
More moisture means more elasticity and the hair is less prone to breakage.
Traditional heat/air styling tools dehydrate the hair and cause it to become more brittle/prone to breakage over time. BIOPROGRAMMING treatment devices increase the moisture level of the hair with each use causing the hair to become shinier and have less friction than before it was styled.
I get it, It sounds too good to be true and honestly if you haven't physically experienced it for yourself, I wouldn't fault you for thinking it sounds fake (I did).
However, seeing is believing. That’s why I am constantly demonstrating the 10 min heat test demo on my own (clean, dry) hair. Holding a HAIRBEAURON CURL device on my hair at 360 degrees in one spot for 10+ minutes for you to see that the hair won't burn AND, looks healthier after.
I've done this over 200 times in the last 3 years and even still, every time I post it live, someone will say 'There's no way, this has to be a camera trick. This is fake, don’t believe it.' Just think… There's no way something could be repeated so many times and still be 'fake' on every person who conducts the heat test demonstrations, is there?
I assumed if it was HOT it would burn and cause damage but, through the many heat test demos that I’ve personally done on my own hair… It made me think back to something one of my favorite teachers showed us in school.
She had us all walk over to the sink and started running the water. Then she put a paper towel under it and let it get completely wet. She asked us if the paper towel would still be flammable? I assumed yes because it was still a paper towel BUT as she was trying and trying to get it to ignite, I realized there was more to it.
In my opinion, the manufacture will never divulge how exactly it does what it does. I don’t fault them for that. They have created a market of their own, without any competition because nothing does what it can. To me, it’s no different than any other trade secret but, I always tell people that "If it prevents you from trying it, I respect your decision.”
Why do you refer to them as devices and not tools?
In my mind, a device is programmed to perform a specific function and a tool refers to something used for a simple task.
For me, it’s important to refer to BIOPROGRAMMING devices as 'treatment devices' and not 'hot tools' or 'styling tools' because the information I spread is what my clients hear. I want them to develop brand awareness and differentiate BIOPROGRAMMING technology from anything else.
If someone simply assumes that I’m using a 'purple blowdryer' on them that won’t cause damage and will improve their hair- and I don’t correct them, I simply say “it’s a 27D REPRONIZER”. I could only imagine what result she would get if she were to tell her husband that she wants a 'purple blow dryer' for her birthday. There are SEVERAL purple blow dryers out there, green ones too!
However, there’s only ONE brand of REPRONIZER.
Again, these devices are in their own category.
You can’t compare a REPRONIZER to a blow dryer and you can’t compare a HAIRBEAURON to a curling or flat iron. They truly are in a league of their own and should never be referred to as traditional 'styling tools' 'blowdryers' 'curling irons' or 'hot tools'.
If someone doesn’t know that BIOPROGRAMMING exists they may just think:
“I don’t know if I would spend that much money on a really expensive
curling iron/blowdryer”
“I would like to invest into a treatment device that will improve the quality of my hair, each time I style it”
For me, it all comes down to the value it provides. So, I focus on showing the value it provides, NOT selling it. Some people may NEVER find any value in the information I provide and that’s okay. I’m still going to continue to share it for the people
out there that do.
Why aren’t more people talking about this?
Just know, there is NO paid marketing or advertising associated with BIOPROGRAMMING technology. Think about it, who would believe it? Unless you see it or experience it for yourself it would sound like a gimmick. Imagine how long it would take you to find out about your favorite product in you would have never seen an influencer promoting it or an advertisement?
Can you imagine?
As a company, they just do things differently. There are no clickable links or commissions available for selling online in the US. In my opinion, as much as I know it would help spread awareness, it could also lessen the validity of information.
This means that if someone is talking about this technology online, it’s because they are genuinely passionate about it. NOT because they are receiving a commission.
There are only two authorized retailers for online purchases. Anything that is not purchased directly from the manufacture or Y-AXIS BEAUTY, is not guaranteed to be authentic. Licensed Professional Stylists are able to sell the devices in their salons but, are not able to retail the devices online.
I encourage you to experience it for yourself at a salon near you! You can check the stylist locator HERE. You'll benefit by receiving a treatment to your hair ever single time you style it. The more you use it, the better the results will be. How the hair improves in a single use is amazing BUT using the devices at home to style or treat your hair daily is really how you’ll notice the biggest impact.
What’s the difference in the series of technology?
The number (3D, 4D, 7D, 27D, etc..) signifies the density of the technology programmed to that device/product. The higher the number, the more noticeable the results will be from a single use, and over time. All BIOPROGRAMMING devices and products feature the same technology. The more you layer the technology together, the more pronounced the BIOPROGRAMMING effect will be.
ALL BIOPROGRAMMING devices will deliver more moisture, more shine, less friction, and less frizz to the hair. However, the higher the number, the greater the results will be.
NONE of the BIOPROGRAMMING devices will ever cause further damage to the hair. The difference is how much faster they will improve it.
NONE of the BIOPROGRAMMING devices require any thermal protection to be used on the hair when styling.
Also, it’s important to know that the density of the technology isn’t linear… which means: using a 7D device 4 times would never give you the results a 27D device would. The difference is exponential!
Expectations are important. Just because you stop causing heat damage in your routine, it doesn’t mean you’ll never need a haircut again. It doesn’t mean you’ll get rid of all existing damage or never see a split end again. This is because damage is ongoing. Using a treatment device will IMPROVE the hair with each use but, there are still environmental factors that will wick moisture from our hair every day.
Things like the sun, air pollution, cotton pillow cases, etc...
The treatment will only become more intense the higher the density of
technology used AND the more it’s layered together.
For example: Using HairTimecess to shampoo, condition and treat the hair. Then to dry the hair with a REPRONIZER and finish with a HAIRBEAURON will give the most exceptional results!
I always introduce my clients to the technology first with a device because it’s instantly noticeable and can easily be experienced. That’s not to say you won’t notice a benefit if your first point of contact is with ALBAGE or HairTimecess, it’s just my preference and how I was first introduced to the technology.
So many people ask if BIOPROGRAMMING will make a difference if they only start with one device or product.
Yes, absolutely,
incorporating a single device or product into your routine will have a positive effect.
Which device should I get first?
I personally always recommend my clients invest in the highest density of technology their budget allows. I also recommend they start off with whichever device they will use the most in THEIR routine or, to replace whatever is currently causing them the most damage.
For instance, I believe that hot irons/styling brushes usually cause the most damage. So, to first replace that with a HAIRBEAURON (CURL or STRAIGHT depending on your needs) would make a big impact.
If you aren’t someone who blow drys their hair often for fear of damaging it. I’d recommend a REPRONIZER to dry and treat the hair.
PRO TIP: get the REPRONIZER stand so that you can use the cool wind on your
face and neck to easily increase moisture.
If you rarely use any irons and can achieve the look you desire with a traditional blow dryer then I’d say to replace that with a REPRONIZER first.
FAQs Answered by me, not on behalf of anyone else.
What if I don’t drink a lot of water? Will it dehydrate me?
No, it is not a correlation between the amount of water you drink and
no, it can not cause dehydration.
Will there ever be a smaller HAIRBEAURON CURL to touch up naturally curly hair?
I am not sure.
Will they come out with a 3 barrel waver or an air styler for ease of use?
You never know! I always say request it by emailing
Do they make hair brushes?
They do not. Again, Email your suggestions. It's great idea!
Will they make a long barrel HAIRBEAURON CURL or a marcel?
I doubt it because they are not a professional beauty company. Their products and devices are designed to be used easily in the consumer channel.
Do they offer a diffuser?
They do not.
However, I have a link to my Amazon Store front which has several
universal diffusers that I like to use.
Does the technology ever expire or wear out?
No it doesn’t. It will never max out.
What is the warranty?
6 months from the date of purchase. For non commercial use, you may register your device and extend the warranty to 18 months.
I live outside of the US, how can I get the devices?
Please, contact to inquire.
I am not sure of all the countries they distributed to.
Why are there different levels of devices but not products?
The different densities of technology in the devices serve as different
entry points to the technology via different price points.
As far as products, they only keep the highest density of technology available at that time. Each new launch is a direct replacement and they do not continue to manufacture multiple densities of technology.
Please contact your local salon or stylist to purchase.
*If your local salon/stylist are not currently using Bioprogramming Treatment Devices - please email
for more information & to request a demo at your favorite salon!